Cimarron Blanco is An Inexpensive, Really Well Made Tequila

I think it's a good thing when you happen upon a great tasting, fresh, clean and bright agave forward 100% blanco agave tequila. It's even better when it's inexpensive. REALLY INEXPENSIVE!! Cimarron is produced at the popular distillery 'Tequilena', S.A. de C.V., in the lowlands (El Valle) of Jalisco NOM 1146. Normally found as a bar staple/house brand (in their wells, for mixed drinks) it is described as "A highland agave tequila distilled for a dry profile to allow greater control of cocktail sweetness". I like that, and it has no weird tastes, it's dry, clean and crisp, and agave forward. It is perfect for mixed drinks, and seems to have been made for that purpose, although I do sip it often. It has finally arrived in my hometown, on Long Island. Surprisingly, it was fine as a sipper, but of course there is much better tequila for sipping, but at 15.99 in some areas (Yes, you heard right) HOW CAN YOU BEAT THIS?.... It's an absolute MUST for the house.
Keep in mind that this high quality distillery is home to some amazing brands. Just a few are Fuenteseca, Lapis, Pura Sangre, ArteNOM 1146, Asombroso, Don Fulano, Don Lorenzo,and T1. The distillery makes different level products, in different ways. These large distilleries have multiple production options, so they can make different variations, sometimes using different agave and using different cooking and fermentation times and methods. Some brands are owned by the family who owns the distillery and some are not. The brands not owned by the family who own the distillery, are called "contract brands". In this case the owner of the distillery is Enrique Fonseca and he also owns this brand, as well as the world renowned 'Fuenteseca' line of quality tequilas. Using 100% estate grown blue agave and a revolutionary crushing process, Master Distiller Enrique Fonseca, known as 'El Arquitecto', himself a fourth-generation agave grower, is able to produce one of the most expressive tequilas at an entry-level price.
PRODUCTION- Enrique slow cooks in autoclaves at the same pressure for 30 hrs and has a proprietary crusher that eliminates the use of water, so that his mash comes out with a much higher brix level. He uses a screw press for milling, and it's considered a double distillation, although he uses a column still for it's distillation. A lot of creativity is used here.
NOSE- spice, some light alcohol, peppery with plenty of cooked sweet agave notes, clean and bright with earthy and grassy aromas, fragrant, buttery, cinnamon, citrus (orange), herbal and some anise (licorice) and a fruit presence.
TASTE- medium oils, smooth- not overly but enough, sweet, spice and cinnamon. It has buttery, herbal, earthy, peppery and some vegetal and citrus notes.
FINISH- spicy, herbal, cinnamon, earthy and citrusy with some mild heat ending in a medium length, smooth finish.
Cimarron blanco is a great brand to have on hand, if you can find it. I like that it's not overly smooth. It is on my "Lou's Best Blanco Brands Under $25 List". On this website- hit the upper tab for 'Top Tequilas'. SEE- GHOST_URL/best-blancos-under-20/#.WNuocm8rLAU Believe it or not considering the quality here, I put it ahead of 1800, Herradura Silver, Cazadores, Jose Cuervo Traditional, Casa Dragones, Casamigos, Sauza Hornitos and many others, and for occasional sipping, but mainly mixing, I consider it equivelant to Penacho Azteca, Cabrito, Pueblo Viejo, Milagro Silver, Familia Camarena, JlP, Tres Cultures and Olmeca Altos. That's saying something, so I would say.... by all means check out Cimarron blanco.
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