Uno Por Favor - A Tasty, Fruity and Clean Blanco Tequila

Uno Por Pavor Tequila is made at Compañia Tequilera Hacienda la Capilla, in the Los Altos region of Jalisco at NOM 1479. This is a family owned brand, created by Leobardo Trevino who is the CEO, importer and wholesaler of this new tequila brand. The brand may be family owned, but it operates as a team, and they have a vision for the brand. Tequila Uno Por Favor is 'riding a high' after coming in number two in the recent 2017 Spirits Of Mexico blind tequila tasting competition. That is some feat, believe me, as they were up against some very high quality blanco brands. I am well aware of these quality brands, and my eyes opened wide, when I saw these results. It is a fact that having a shot of tequila has historic value to the beginnings of tequila, as many agave farmers in the field and others, would often drink tequila from a shot glass called a caballito and before that, in a Bulls horn. Uno Por Favor's bottle is representative of a shot glass, as the company feels that shooting tequila by Americans with cheap tequila, left a bad connotation in the minds of people about tequila, in recent years. I will agree with that, and I have mentioned to the brand, that I'm not a fan of shooting tequila. Although the bottle is of the shape of a caballito, the brands response was "on the shot, we are not promoting slamming tequila." Leobardo Trevino told me "it is customary in Mexico to drink in a caballito (shot), and we see many brands doing the same thing, and very few are succeeding. He continued, saying "it's not that the brand is promoting shooting tequila or taking shots, but it has a history no doubt, and if one is to sample tequila this way, this quality tequila would be a great advantage over past choices." I do not believe quality tequila needs to be shot, but Tequila Uno Por favor is not actually promoting it, as much as honoring tradition, with quality tequila. I do agree that if you want to 'drink' it this way, go ahead....but this quality, pure and delicious tequila can also be savored slowly, as I would do.
Leobardo Trevino went on to say "after extensive research, we found out that when you ask the majority of people, the first image that comes to mind after saying 'tequila' a caballito (shot)". I believe he's right about that, as I have noticed the same thing when I mention tequila to people. Unfortunately along the way, low grade product and abuse, have given the caballito a bad name, but as the brand says "we can't forget, it's the caballito that put tequila on the map..... hence our bottle." They say their tequila is being produced with the objective of being a surprisingly smooth tequila, to remove the stigma of the era of abuse and poor tequila. (BELOW) is Founder/CEO Leobardo Trevino (left) and Hector M. Diéguez Camarena (right)- Tequila Uno Por Favor's chief production officer, who is a 20+ year Tequila veteran, and a certified Tequila sommelier. Hector works with the distillery's Master Distiller- Marco Plaza Salas, on Tequila Uno Por Favor. When I asked Leobardo Trevino if he can guarantee me on record, that his brand uses NO additives, he replied "absolutely not, our brand is based on that (no additives/no colors). He said, "as you know, additives/colors can cause hangover, because the liver makes an extra effort to process them, so it goes against our main objective." The brand told me that in the future "we expect color variations from lot to lot", saying it's a risk they are willing to take, to fulfill their 'no color/no additive promise'. Interestingly lot 1 is done and guess what? The soon to be released Anejo, is lighter than the Reposado, and they will be leaving it that way. This I love to hear, as it means that the Reposado barrels gave off darker color than the barrels blended, to make the Anejo, or it was the charring of those barrels, and they did NOT add color in the rectification stage to 'balance' their colors. Good for them. More brands need to start doing this. Leave it alone!!...aging is aging, and the color doesn't HAVE to match the age. As I have always said...'I don't care about color', I want natural, additive free tequila, and if some barrels give off more or less color regardless of the length of aging....who cares.
Uno Por Favor came on the market in April of this year. It is presently sold in Texas and California, but is shipping to New York at the end of December, and rolling out in NYC January of 2018. I have been told that they are killing it in Texas, and the product is hitting a nerve, as they are outselling big brands, at store level. It will be widely sold soon, and it can be ordered at ZEE's Old Town Superstore off my website, or right HERE-
This is a aerated and oxygenated tequila, so it does have a softer profile, and it has a nice fruity aroma and taste, along with a nice pepper and spice. Tequila Uno Por Favor is really playing up the oxygenation, using advertisements calling it 'BlancO2' and promoting Tequila Uno Por Favor #BlancO2 =Tequila + Oxygen. I must say, it is soft, extremely clean and easy to sip, so do whatever you want to do with it. As soon as the rested and aged expressions hit the market, I will try them, and if I feel they are additive free, I will add this brand to my "additive free brands" list.
Being a 'Lou's Top Tequila' please see Uno Por Favor's logo on the side of this page, click and visit Uno Por Favor's website.
PRODUCTION- Los Altos agaves owned by the distillery are used, to achieve a consistent quality from the same los altos region, and are cooked in a stainless steel autoclave for about 12 hours, followed by 6 hours of resting. The cooked agaves are crushed in a shredder/roller, and fermented in open tank stainless steel tanks, with the distillery's own proprietary yeast for about 72 hours. The Mosto goes through a double distillation in small all copper pot stills, and they cut the heads and tails in both distillations. Before bottling, they add spring water to reduce the alcoholic content to 40%, and it is at this stage that they perform their aeration/oxygenation process, creating a soft, smooth profile. The company CEO has assured me that Tequila Uno Por Favor is 100% natural, with no additives or sweeteners ever added, and I must say it does have a very clean taste. According to the company, Uno Por Favor's 'BlancO2' aeration process allows the oxidation to occur, wherein oxygen mingles with the many compounds in the tequila. It also allows for evaporation of the undesirable elements, that will tend to reduce much quicker than those elements that are desirable, making the tequila smoother.
Uno Por Favor Blanco- Between $40-50 a bottle, this double distilled 40% abv/80 proof tequila is oxygenated for a softer/smoother profile, and is delicious and easy to drink. It's light, clear as water, very clean and pleasant. A delightful fruity profile, it is silky and easy to drink, with a nice minor bite.
NOSE- soft, spice, pepper, fruity (melon), butter, sweet cooked agave and some anise (licorice). Maybe a pinch of vanilla, with a light touch of alcohol, and some herbal and earthy presence. There is some very light smoke, a touch of citrus, a slight yeasty presence and a pinch of nutmeg.
TASTE- medium oils, fruity, buttery, spice and pepper, light citrus presence with some anise (licorice), and just the right amount of bite.
FINISH- light, fruit, spice, pepper, light alcohol and some anise, ending in a medium finish.
Tequila Uno Por Favor will be releasing their Reposado in February of 2018 and their Anejo by the end of October 2018.
I gave Tequila Uno Por Favor blanco an 88 rating on Tequila Matchmaker, as it is a delightful fruity, sweet, buttery and tasty tequila. CLICK-
Tequila Uno Por Favor is a clean, tasty, pure and smooth drinking blanco tequila, and once you try it, you'll be saying...... Uno Por Favor
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